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Export widget data to CSV file

You can export many widgets in Infront Investment Manager to CSV files.

To export the content of a widget to a CSV file:

  1. Open the corresponding private dashboard or open a widget from the Widget Gallery.
  2. In the "Export" section of the widget menu, click the "CSV" button.

You can then save the created CSV file directly or open it in Microsoft Excel.

Further image file formats are available for charts. See also the section Export charts.

The CSV export is available for the following widgets:




Exports all columns displayed in the current portfolio view. In addition, the following data or columns are always provided - regardless of whether they are currently displayed:

  • Instrument ID
  • Quantity
  • Buy date
  • Buy price (buy currency)
  • Buy currency
  • Buy exchange rate


Exports all columns displayed in the watchlist view. The "Instrument ID" column is always exported - regardless of whether it is currently shown.


In addition to the time series, you also export the set time periods, any existing indicators and benchmarks, selected aggregation, volume and OHLC (Open, High, Low, Close), if these are set in the chart.

For all time series, the corresponding percentage values are also exported in the case of relative representation.

Chart Analysis

The header shows the following information for each security:

  • Security
  • ISIN
  • Trading venue
  • Currency

The following data is output for the time series of the main instrument:

  • Date
  • OHLC (Open, High, Low, Close)
  • Volume

The closing price is shown for all other instruments.

For all time series, the corresponding percentage values are also exported in the case of relative representation.

For each indicator, one column per parameter is displayed with the main instrument (except "colour").

All Fields

Exports the complete fields list.

Analyst Recommendations

Exports the complete list of analyses displayed in the lower part of the widgets with the filters specified, but not the chart data.


Exports all columns displayed in the arbitrage list.

Certificate Data

Exports a list with two columns and all rows for the security selected.

Financials (balance sheet data)

Exports the data of the current view.

Full Quote

Exports all three blocks in a table with two columns, not the chart data.

Historical Prices

Exports the table with all pages, not the data in the upper area of the widget.

Index Membership

Exports the table data for the table and tile view, and the matrix data for the "Correlation Matrix" view.

Related Instruments

Exports the data of the current view.

(47.91-EN) Time & Sales

Exports all data of the displayed tables. The start and end date are exported to the first row.

Top Derivatives and New Issues

Exports the data of the current view.

Company profile

Exports the table from the "Top Holders" widget

Fund Comparison

Exports all data of the displayed view. The chart data can also be exported.

In the chart, the corresponding percentage values are also exported for all time series with relative display.

Certificate Comparison

Exports all data of the displayed view. The chart data can also be exported.

In the chart, the corresponding percentage values are also exported for all time series with relative display.

Correlation Matrix

Exports all data displayed in the current matrix.

FX Matrix

Exports all data displayed in the current matrix.

Index Members

Exports all data displayed in the current table. In the tiles view, the complete table data is also exported.

(47.91-EN) Gainers & Losers

Exports all data displayed in the current table.

Warrant Matrix

Exports all matrix data with applied filters.

Exchange Calendar

Exports all currently displayed results of the Exchange Calendar.

VWAP Calculator

Exports the table with the settings.

Volatility Chart

Exports all time series including the indicators or OHLC data displayed in the chart.

Yield Curves

Exports the table located in the lower part of the widget.


Exports the list of displayed news headlines, not the entire news text.

Performance CalculatorExports the data of the current view.
AlertsThe price alerts data displayed in the table of the respective current view ("Prices" or "Log") is exported.
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