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"Overview" view (portfolio)

Select "Overview" from the drop-down list. In the position overview, you see all the portfolio positions in a table. At the start of each row, there are various functions and commands for each position.

You find the following columns and functions in the position overview:



"Instrument search" icon

This icon opens the quick search and allows you to add further items to the portfolio.

For more information, see Add position to portfolio.


Shows the number of positions currently selected in the overview table. This element is visible only if at least one position of the position overview is selected.

You can select the following commands from the menu:

  • Delete
    Deletes the selected positions from the portfolio. See also Delete position.
  • Copy (to another selected portfolio)
    Below this command, select the target portfolio to which you want to copy the selected positions. For more information, see Transfer position to another portfolio.
  • Move (to another selected portfolio)
    Below this command, select the target portfolio to which you want to move the selected positions. See also Transfer position to another portfolio.

Add text

If you selected a single position in the portfolio, then you can use this icon to add a text line above this position and enter any text. While you are typing, you see how many characters you can still enter.

In the context menu of the text lines, you also find the standard browser commands for text like "Copy" or "Paste". Please note that you can only paste unformatted text (that is, no HTML formatting) and that the number of characters is limited.

You can also add multiple text lines one after the other.

To delete added text rows, select them, and then select "Delete" from the "Selected" drop-down list.

Add separator

If you selected a single position in the portfolio, you can use this icon to add a separator above the selected position and enter any text.

To remove an inserted separator, select the position below, and then click this icon.

Use the "Separator" and "Text line" functions to group positions with headers.

"Select row" column

In the first column, you can select individual rows (positions).

To select a position, select the corresponding checkbox at the start of the row.

"News" icon

Opens the news widget to show news for the corresponding security. If a "Company News" widget is already available in the dashboard, then the news are shown in this widget, otherwise, a new "Company News" widget is added at the bottom of the dashboard.

The icon shows if there are current news for a security in your portfolio.

In this example, news are available for all shares in the screen section, but none for the "UniGlobal" fund.

"Row menu" icon

Click this icon to open a menu with various commands. In the upper section, "Instrument", you will find the commands to edit, repurchase, sell or delete a position.

You can also use this icon to quickly open the respective security in a new widget, and then select a command from the "Open as..." section in the menu. For more information, see Commands in the widget menu.

You can also use this menu to directly create a new alert for a security or add the security to the Compass.


You can show or hide the columns of the position overview in the settings that you open with the widget menu icon. The following columns are available in the "Overview":

  • Quantity
  • Name (short)
  • Time
  • Price
  • Change absolute
    (Today's absolute performance of the instrument, based on the last close price)
  • %
    (Current relative performance of the instrument, based on the last close price)
  • Change today
    (Today's absolute performance of the securities account, based on the last close prices)
  • Change today %
    (Today's relative performance of the securities account, based on the last close prices)
  • Change overall
    (Absolute total performance of the securities account, based on the purchase value of the securities account)
  • Change overall %
    (Relative total performance of the securities account, based on the purchase value of the securities account)
  • ISIN
  • Note
    Click the icon in this column to edit the note for the position.
    Point to the icon to copy the entered texts by using the "Copy note" icon.
  • A-Amount
  • Ask
  • B-Amount
  • Bid
  • Trading venue
  • Instrument ID
  • Annual high
  • Annual low
  • Buy date
  • Buy price [Buy currency]
  • Buy price [Portfolio currency]
  • Buy sum
  • Buy currency
  • Market value
    (Value of the position in portfolio currency)
  • Name
  • Symbol
  • Trend
  • Cum. turnover
  • Delay
    The Arbitrage section explains the symbols in this column.
  • Buy exchange rate
  • Ccy./Unit
    The currency is usually displayed here, but for percentage-quoted bonds, for example, "%" is displayed. If you would like to display the "actual currency" for such securities as well, you can drag the currency field with ID 48 into the list by using the "All Fields" widget.
  • WKN
  • Dividends
  • Total charges
  • 52-week comparison
    In this column you, can see the current price compared to the 52-week low ("left edge of the bar") and 52-week high ("right edge of the bar"). For a small example, see Arbitrage.

For more information about showing and hiding columns, see (49-en) Settings in the "Portfolio" widget.

As in other tables, you can re-sort the position overview by clicking a column header. For more information, see Sort tables in widgets.

You can also move an individual position in the position overview to a new place by dragging it there at any time.

In addition to these standard columns for the position overview, you can also add any other columns from the "All fields" widget. See also the section (49-en) Add fields from the "All Fields" widgets to tables.

For some values in the columns, (only) two decimal places are shown for reasons of clarity, for expamle the columns "Change today", "Total change", "Market value". Point to the in this columns to display the exact values:

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