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Add position to portfolio

To add positions to your portfolio, you have the following two options, for example:

  • Open the quick search by using the "Instrument search" icon and select the security.
  • Or drag and drop the security from another widget into the portfolio.

To record a "buy" transaction:

  1. Go to the "Portfolio" widget.
  2. Open the corresponding portfolio from the drop-down list.
  3. Then click the "Instrument search" icon in the widget and select a security from the list or search for it by using the input field of the quick search.
  4. Then, record the transactions for the purchase in the "New Instrument" dialogue window.

    If the purchase date is in the past, the historical exchange rate may be displayed.

  5. Complete the purchase with the "Buy" button.
    The security appears with the entered data as a position in the portfolio.

When you drag a security from a different widget, the "New instrument" dialogue window for entering transaction data opens at once.

From result lists of the screener, you can quickly add instruments to portfolios. For more information, see Add instruments from Screener to existing portfolio.

The transaction data that you can view or enter in detail:




The name of the security that you want to buy.

PortfolioThe name of the portfolio currently selected in the widget.

Unit or nominal

The number of units purchased or the nominal value in the case of percentage-listed securities.

If you want to enter a short position, enter a negative value here.

Buy date

The date of the purchase.

The current date is set by default.

Buy price [Buy currency]

The buy price value of the transaction in buy currency. The buy currency is displayed in brackets behind it.

Buy currency

The buy currency of this buy transaction.

Buy price [Portfolio currency]
The buy price value of the transaction in portfolio currency. The portfolio currency is displayed in brackets behind it.

Exchange rate

If the buy currency and portfolio currency are different, then the exchange rate of the currencies is displayed. You can change the exchange rate, if necessary.

In brackets, you see the corresponding currency code. Example: "[USD/EUR]" for a purchase of one share in US dollars for a portfolio in euros.

Trading venue

Select the trading venue of the transaction.

Buy charges

In this field, enter the purchasing expenses incurred by the transaction.

Expected Buy Total [portfolio currency]

The expected purchase amount in portfolio currency.

Calculation: Units * buy price [portfolio currency] * FX rate + buy charges

This field is informative and cannot be edited.


You can enter notes on this transaction.

"Buy" button

After entering the data, click this button to complete the buy transaction and add the position.

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