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Buy to add

To add to existing positions in your portfolio, you can use the "Buy to add" entry. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the "Portfolio" widget.
  2. Open the corresponding portfolio from the drop-down list.
  3. In the position overview, open the menu via the menu icon in the line with the position to be re-purchased and select the "Buy to add" command in the "Instrument" area.
  4. Then enter the transaction data for the buy transaction in the "Buy to add" dialogue window.
    The entry fields correspond to those for a buy and are described in Add position to portfolio.
  5. Complete the sale by clicking the button "Buy to add".
    This adjusts the positions accordingly: The quantity is increased and the resulting entry sum or buy price will be calculated.

From the dialogue window for Edit a position, you can go directly to the dialogue window used for buying to add this position. To do this, select the "Buy to add" checkbox.

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