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Create new dashboard as overlay template

As a rule, only technical administrators of Infront Investment Manager can create, edit and delete dashboard templates.

When you Create dashboards, you can specify if the dashboard is to be used as an overlay dashboard template. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Select the "As overlay template" option in the "Create dashboard" dialogue window.
  2. Then click the "Create" button.
    This opens the new overlay template.
  3. Click the "Properties" icon to open the "Dashboard properties" dialogue window.
  4. On the right side of the dialogue window, specify the overlay template options.

    You can specify the following filter settings:



    Dashboard template

    Check this setting to (also) use the overlay template as a dashboard template.

    For more information, see Dashboard templates.

    Overlay template

    Enabled for overlay templates.

    Here, you can also use this option to change overlay templates back into "normal" dashboards or dashboard templates and vice versa.

    Trading venue codes

    Enter the trading venue ID for the overlay template, for example "ETR" for Xetra or "STX" for "DJ STOXX".

    Security category codes

    Enter the security category codes for the overlay template, for example "Share", "Fund" or "Certificate".

    Security type codes

    Enter the security type codes to specify the security category for the overlay template.


    Select this checkbox to assign the fallback function to this overlay template.

    In the delivery state, the "Overlay Default" overlay template is enabled by default. Thus, it is used as overlay template for all instruments that are not assigned to any other available template.

    Add ticker tapeWith this button, you can embed a Ticker tape at the top of the dashboard.
  5. Click "Update" button to confirm the settings and closes the dialogue window.
  6. Next, open the Widget Gallery to add the corresponding widgets and arrange them accordingly. For more information, see Working with widgets.
  7. Combine all widgets on the overlay template into groups. See also Group widgets.
  8. Adjust the Dashboard properties to the overlay template. Based on the settings, the best fitting overlay template for a security is determined when opening search results (in the screener).
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