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Create dashboards

To create a new dashboard:

  1. Open the Dashboard Explorer in the upper left corner of the dashboard bar.
  2. Select the "New dashboard" item in the corresponding folder or subfolder of your private dashboards.
  3. In the "Create dashboard" dialogue window that appears, enter a descriptive name in the "Name" input field.
  4. To use the dashboard as a template, select the "As template" option. For more information, see Create new dashboard as template.
  5. If you want to use the new dashboard as an overlay template for search results, select the "As overlay template" option. For more information, see Create new dashboard as overlay template.
  6. Then click the "Create" button.
    The new (empty) dashboard opens.

For more information about working with dashboards, see Dashboard Explorer.

For more information about how to create a new dashboard based on an existing dashboard, see Copy dashboards.

For more information about editing dashboards, see Edit dashboards. For more information about widgets in dashboards, see Working with widgets and Widget overview.

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