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Dashboard properties

Click the "Properties" icon to open the "Dashboard properties" dialogue window.

In the "Dashboard properties" dialogue window, administrators can use the "Debug" button to view the properties of the widget in the dashboard and the translation of the dashboard names or copy them to the Clipboard.

Furthermore, you can use the dashboard properties to add a Ticker tape tape to the dashboard or remove it. You can use the "Pin ticker" check box to ensure that the ticker is always visible at the top of the screen when scrolling.

If this is a dashboard template (that is, the "Dashboard template" checkbox is enabled), then you also find the "Template options" below.

Here, you can make further settings for your dashboard templates. See also the section Dashboard templates.

If it is an overlay template (checkbox "Overlay template" enabled), you will also find further "Template options".

Here, a dashboard can also be a dashboard and overlay template (both settings enabled).

Confirm your changes and close the dialogue window by clicking the "Update" button.

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