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Economic Data

The "Economic Data" widget offers all important macroeconomic data by region.

First, select the from the drop-down list in the upper part of the widget. The following views are available:

  • Comparison chart
  • Germany
  • G7/CH/Euroland
  • Emerging markets

You can also select other display formats and time periods.

In the filter area on the left side, you have the possibility to select countries and categories in the "Filter search" area. Switch to the "Text search" area by clicking on it to search for products by entering specific terms in the search field. You can also use these two search filter options in combination.

The currently selected data is displayed at the top of the widget.

The settings saved in the "Economic Data" widget will be available to you the next time you log in.

In the Widget Gallery, you find the "Economic Data" widget in the "Defaults" section.

The "Economic data" widget supports the CSV export of the historical data. You start the export via the widget menu.

The following sections provide details on the views and data.

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