Filters in bond screens

The following filters are available for your bond screens:
"General" filter
- Bond type
- Issue date
- Issuer
- Issuer category
- Open end instrument
- Trading venue
- Hide inactive instruments
- Coupon in %
- Coupon type
- Country
- Maturity
- Time to maturity (in years)
- Search (name, ISIN and so on)
"Calculations" filter
- 1-week volatility
- 1-month volatility
- 3-month volatility
- 6-month volatility
- 1-year volatility
- 3-year volatility
- 5-year volatility
- 10-year volatility
- Basis point value
- Duration
- Convexity
- Minimum trading unit
- Modified duration
- Yield in %
- Accrued interest
- Interest rate elasticity
"Classification" filter
- Sector
- Sector category
"Price" filter
- Traded last 5 days
- Pari
- Currency
"Regulatory" filter
"Risk & Ratings" filter
- Moody's short-term
- Moody's long-term
- Subordinated
- S&P short-term
S&p long-term
For information on how to configure filters, see Filter screens.
See also: