Filters in fund screens
The following filters are available for your fund screens:
"General" filter
- Investment horizon
- Distribution type ("Distributing" or "Accumulating")
- Distribution frequency
- Fund age
- Fund volume
- Trading venue
- Main tranche
- Hide inactive instruments
- Fund company
- Manager tenure
- Minimum investment
- Open fund
- Search (name, ISIN,...)
- Currency
Filter "ESG":
- E - Emissions
- E - Environmental externalities
- E - Resource use
- E - Governmental emissions
- E - Governmental consumption of resources
- E - Suppliers footprint
- E - Product footprint
- E - Environmental governance & processes
- ESG score
- ESG score relevance
- G - CSR and sustainability
- G - Formal institutions
- G - Informal institutions
- G - Partnerships, memberships, awards and certifications
- G - Stability
- G - Corporate ethics & behaviour
- G - Corporate governance
- Governance
- S - Community and society
- S - Human capital
- S - Customers & products
- S - Supply chain
- S - Employees
- S - Physical capital
- S - Technology
- Social
- Environment
"Historical performance" filter
- 1-month performance
- 3-month performance
- 6-month performance
- Performance YTD
- 1-year performance
- 3-year performance
- 5-year performance
- 10-year performance
- Performance since launch
- 6-month max. loss
- 1-year max. loss
- 3-year max. loss
- Jensen's alpha in %
- Longest loss period (in months)
- Outperformance in %
- Turnover Ratio
"Classification" filter
- Fund of funds
- EFCF category
- ETF replication
- Index fund
- Institutional fund
- Pension plan
- Regular investment
- Riester fund
- Socially responsible
- Suitable for savings plans
- Union funds
- VWL capable (Germany)
- Insurance fund
- Securities lending allowed
"Costs" filter
- Front-end load
- Securities account fee
- Ongoing charges
- Management fee
- Exit fee
"Portfolio" filter
- Asset allocation
- Industry
- Region
- Small cap
"Regulatory" filter
- Country
- Distribution approval
"Risk & Ratings" filter
- 1-year Sharpe ratio
- 3-year Sharpe ratio
- 5-year Sharpe ratio
- 1-month volatility
- 6-month volatility
- 1-year volatility
- 3-year volatility
- 5-year volatility
- 10-year volatility
- Currency hedged
- Diamond rating
- Diamond rating date
- Capital guarantee
- SCOPE fund rating
- SRI ("Socially Responsible Investment")
- SRI date
- Currency risk
- Currency exposed against
For information on how to configure filters, see Filter screens.