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Full Quote - fund

In addition to the elements explained in the general Full Quote section, the Full Quote for a fund also shows the following data:




Bid/ask price



The current bid or ask price of the fund.

At the "Investment fund" trading venue, "Redemption" and "Issue" are displayed instead.


The net asset value of a fund unit.

Fund volume subfund level

The fund volume of the subfund level in the displayed currency.

Fund volume subfund dateThe date on which the fund volume of the subfund level was determined.

Fund volume shareclass level

The fund volume of the asset class level in the displayed currency.




Security category

The category of the fund.


The corresponding fund company.

Company country

The country of the fund issuer.


The type or composition of the fund.

Distribution typeThe distribution type of the fund, that is, "Accumulating" or "Distributing".

Distribution frequency

The distribution frequency type of the fund, for example "Annually".

Date/PaymentThe date and payment amount of the distribution.


Shows if it is a UCITS (Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities) or an AIF (Alternative Investment Fund)

The UCITS Directive defines the specific requirements for funds and their fund management companies. One of the key issues is the regulation of the eligible assets in which a fund company may invest.

Funds which are not undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities (UCITS) within the meaning of the UCITS Directive: for example, real estate funds, hedge funds or private equity funds.

Key Figures



Issue date

The fund's launch date.

1Y perf.

The 1 year performance of the fund.

3Y perf.

The 3 year performance of the fund.

5Y perf.

The 5 year performance of the fund.

1Y vola.

The 1 year volatility of the fund.

Category benchmark

The category benchmark of the fund (if specified), for example Dow Jones.

For the benchmark, the familiar menu for quick opening in other widgets is available via the icon.

The performance figures for funds are calculated in the "Full Quote" widget by default including distributions.

Further statistics



Ongoing charges

The percentage of ongoing charges of the fund.

Front-end load

The percentage front-end load of the fund.

Transaction costs

The (percentage) transaction costs of the fund.

Mgmt. fee

The (percentage) management fees of the fund.


The fund's "SRI" ("Socially Responsible Investment").

Annual high/low

The highest and lowest price in the current year at the trading venue selected.

52W High/Low

The highest and lowest price in the last 52 weeks at the trading venue selected.

All-time high/low

The highest and lowest price price at the trading venue selected.

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