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Select and show underlying in Option Matrix

At the top of the "Option Matrix" widget, select the corresponding underlying from the drop-down list. Alternatively, you can also drag underlyings from other widgets to this widget. The underlying is shown in the upper part of the table at up to 3 trading venues by default:

  1. XETRA
  2. Frankfurt
  3. Domestic stock exchange of the security

Depending on the corresponding quotation, these trading venues are hidden if they are not available for the security selected. If the domestic stock exchange is XETRA or Frankfurt, the third trading venue is hidden. In the Settings of the widget, you can select all relevant trading venues and view a complete arbitrage list in the upper area of the widget. For more information on the columns in the upper part of the "Option Matrix" widget, see Arbitrage.

A menu icon is available for each option and for each underlying, allowing you to quickly open the option or underlying in a new widget. For more information, see the section Commands in the widget menu.

To hide the underlying display in the Option Matrix, open the widget settings and select "None" from the "Trading venues" drop-down list.

Use the arrows on the right side of the widget to expand or reduce the "Option list" and "Strategy matrix" areas of the option matrix.

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