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"Trade" view in Time and Sales

The "Trade" view is the default view of the "Time & Sales" widget.

The "Time & Sales" widget in the default view provides the following functions and data:



"Security" selection

Use the integrated quick search to search and select an security.

Alternatively, you can add a (new) security by dragging it from securities lists to the "Time & Sales" widget.

Select trading venue

Use the drop-down list to select a trading venue.

"View" selectionBy using the view drop-down list, you can switch to the "Trade" view described here or to the "Bid & Ask" view .

"From:" date field

Use the calendar in this field to select the start date to be displayed. You can go back in time up to 100 days.

The standard setting is the trading day of the previous month corresponding to the current day public holidays are taken into account, for example, October 5 to November 5.

"To:" date filed

Use the calendar in this field to select the end date to be displayed.

The current day is set by default.

"Today" buttonClick this button to quickly switch the widget display to the current day's data.

"Date" column

Date of the price dates. All trading days in the selected period are listed. Click an entry to move to the next level of aggregation and open the Time & Sales for that date.

By default, the table is sorted by this column, that is, the most recent data appears at the top of the table. You can reverse the sorting order by clicking the column header again.

"Close" column

The closing price of the security on that date on the selected trading venue.

"Volume (qty.)" column

The number of units traded on the selected trading venue on that date.

"Open" column

The opening price of the security on that date on the selected trading venue.

"High" column

The high of the security on that date on the selected trading venue.

"Low" column

The low of the security on that date on the selected trading venue.

"Trades " columnThe number of trades on the selected trading venue on that date.

Page navigation
The data is shown across several pages. Use the controls below the list to go through the pages.
You can show and hide the columns in the "Time & Sales" widget via the widget settings. See also the section (50-en) Settings in the "Time.

Once you have selected a date by clicking it in the first column of the widget, the next level of aggregation up to the detailed view with the "Time & Sales" widget for the security opens for this date.

Aggregation levels:

  • Trading days
  • 30-minute intervals of the selected trading day
  • Minute intervals
  • Time & Sales

"30-minute intervals" aggregation level

If you have selected a trading day via the entry in the "Date" column, the following view appears:

In addition to the items described for the standard view, the "30-minute intervals" view includes the following functions and data:



"Switch to previous aggregation" icon

Click this icon to return to the default view by trading days.
"Switch to this aggregation" commandThe aggregation levels listed in the top right corner next to the "Switch to previous aggregation" icon are linked, so you can quickly switch them back and forth. In the "30-minute intervals" view, you can switch directly to the standard view by trading days.
"Time" column

30-minute intervals of the selected trading day. Listed are all intervals during the trading period. Click an entry to move to the next level of aggregation and open the Time & Sales for interval.

By default, the table is sorted by this column, that is, the most recent interval appears at the top of the table. You can reverse the sorting order by clicking the column header again.

The values in the columns "Closing price", "Volume", "Opening price", "High", "Low" and "No. of trades" are shown in the table below.

"Minute intervals" aggregation level

Selecting a 30-minute interval via the entry in the "Time" column displays following view:

In addition to the items described above, the "minute intervals" view includes the following functions and data:



"Switch to previous aggregation" icon

Click this icon to return to the "30-minute intervals" view.
"Switch to this aggregation" commandThe aggregation levels listed in the top right corner next to the "Switch to previous aggregation" icon are linked, so you can quickly switch them back and forth. In the "Minute intervals" view, you can switch directly to the default view by trading days or to the "30-minute intervals" view.
"Time" column

Minute intervals of the selected 30-minute interval. Click an entry to move to the next level of aggregation and open the Time & Sales for interval.

By default, the table is sorted by this column, that is, the most recent interval appears at the top of the table. You can reverse the sorting order by clicking the column header again.

The values in the columns "Closing price", "Volume", "Opening price", "High", "Low" and "No. of trades" are shown in the table below. trades" refer here to the minute intervals.

"Time & Sales" aggregation level:

Selecting a minute interval via the entry in the "Time" column displays following view:

In addition to the items described above, the "Time & Sales" view includes the following functions and data:



"VWAP" fieldThe VWAP ("Volume Weighted Average Price") is shown across all trades in the selected period of the security on the trading venue selected.
"Volume" fieldShows the daily volume of the security at the trading venue selected.

"Switch to previous aggregation" icon

Click this icon to return to the "Minute intervals" view.
"Switch to this aggregation" commandThe aggregation levels listed in the top right corner next to the "Switch to previous aggregation" icon are linked, so you can quickly switch them back and forth. In the "Time & Sales" view, you can switch to all higher aggregation levels here.

"Only trades" switch

[Selected by default]

Turning this switch to the left also displays changes in bid and ask prices.

Turn the switch to the right to show only trades. With this setting, only the updated entries in the "Price" column are shown.

"Time" column

Time of the change in the Time & Sales.

By default, the table is sorted by this column, that is, the most recent changes appear at the top of the table. You can reverse the sorting order by clicking the column header again.

"Price" column

The paid prices of the trade at this time.

"Volume" column

The quantity traded at the corresponding "paid" price.

"Bid" column

The bid price if it changed at this time.

"B-Amount" column

The quantity traded at the corresponding bid price.

"Ask" column

The ask price if it changed at this time.

"A-Amount" column

The quantity traded at the corresponding ask price.

"High/Low" column

If the price was a high or low at this time, then this is indicated by a corresponding symbol:

  • "H" for "High"
  • "L" for "Low"

Page navigation
The time & sales are shown across several pages. Use the controls below the list to go through the pages.

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