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"Prices" view in the "Alerts" widget

Manage all specified alerts in the "Alerts" widget. Here, you can see all price alerts in the default "Prices" setting and can also set up new price alerts via the "Instrument search" icon.

In this view, the price alerts are grouped by security (for each trading venue). You can extend or reduce the alerts of a security by clicking the arrow icon next to the security name. In addition to the security name, you also see the trading venue, ISIN, WKN and current price of each security.

In addition to the view drop-down list and the two standard "Maximise widget", "Widget properties" and "Menu" icons, you can find the following elements in the "Prices" view:



Widget name

If there are unread alert notifications, then the red of the widget name shows how many unread notifications are in the current log.

"Instrument search" icon

Use this icon to configure a new price alert.
See also Configure price alerts.

"Copy" button

Copies the list of the selected alert.

See also Copy price alerts.

"Delete" button

Click this button to delete the alert selected in the list.

See also Delete price alerts.

"Enabled" button

Shows or hides the list of enabled alerts.

The highlighted (green) button shows if the enabled alerts are currently shown or not.

"Exercised" button

Shows or hides the exercised list of enabled alerts.

The highlighted (orange) button shows if the exercised alerts are currently shown or hidden.

"Expired" button

Shows or hides the list of expired alerts.

The highlighted (red) button shows if the expired alerts are currently shown or hidden.

"Alert selection" column

Select the checkbox in this column to select the corresponding alert. You can select multiple alerts to copy or delete them together.

To select all alerts, select the checkbox in the column header.

"Row menu" icon

With this icon, you open the corresponding security quickly in a new widget. For more information, see Commands in the widget menu.

"Edit" icon

This icon allows you to edit the list of selected alerts.

See also Edit price alerts.

"Limit" column

Which value is monitored?

In this column, you see the field of the corresponding alert, for example, the "Paid", "Bid" or "Ask" field.

In addition, the corresponding symbol indicates the limit type:

  • Limit (classic price limit)
  • Trailing limit (input in the "Trailing limit" field in the limit properties)

"Lower limit" column

If you specified a lower limit for the alert, then this column shows the corresponding value.

If this lower limit is exceeded, then you receive an alert.

"Upper limit" column

If you specified an upper limit for an alert, then this column shows the corresponding value.

If this upper limit is exceeded, then you receive an alert.

"Valid from" column

The start date specified for the alert.

"Valid to" column

The end date specified for the alert.

"Status low" column

The status of the alert's low limit, for example "Active", "Triggered", "Sent", "Paused" or "Expired".

"Status high" column

The status of the alert's upper limit, for example "Active", "Triggered", "Sent", "Paused" or "Expired".

"Comment" column

The comment entered for the alert (if available).

For longer comments, point to the comment to see the full text.

Use the view drop-down list to switch to the "Log" view where all triggered events are logged.

The "Alerts" widget supports drag-and-drop. When you drag securities into the widget, then the "New price alerts" dialogue window opens at once, allowing you to configure an alert. Drag & drop also works in the other direction – just drag a security from the "Prices" view to a suitable other widget.

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