Bond Comparison
Similar to the widget "Certificate Comparison", the "Bond Comparison" widget allows you to compare up to 10 different bonds in the following views:
- Basic information
- Coupon
- Issue information
- Key figures
- Chart
First select the first two bonds to be compared using the magnifying glass icons. Alternatively, drag & drop from other widgets is also possible, for example.
Depending on the existing activation, you can choose between different sources. In the following examples, the source "WM" was selected.
Bond Comparison - Basic information

Bond comparison - Coupon

Bond comparison - issue information

Bond comparison - Key figures

Bond Comparison - Chart

Use the "Add another bond" button to show up to 10 bonds.
magnifying glass icons lists, you can replace the selected fund. With the "Remove" icons next to the drop-down lists, you remove the corresponding bond.
You can select the relevant trading venue with currency for the bond comparison for each bond by using the associated trading venue drop-down list.
For each bond in the widget, the familiar menu is available in the header that you can use to quickly open the bond in another widget or also print it.

In the Widget Gallery, you find the "Bond comparison" widget in the "Defaults" section of bonds.
See also: