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Infront Investment Manager - At a glance

Extensive market data on our cloud-based platform

Release Notes

Here, you can find all information about updates of current releases of Infront Investment Manager.


On these help pages, you will learn about the various possibilities that Infront Investment Manager offers.

Navigation and standard elements

In this chapter, the navigation and structure of the graphical user interface is presented in more detail.

Working with widgets

Learn how to work effectively with widgets.

Widget overview

Here, you will find detailed descriptions of all widgets available in Infront Investment Manager.


Use the many options for searching securities in Infront Investment Manager.


The Screener provides alternative ways to search and filter for securities in Infront Investment Manager.

Communication Center

The Communication Center is the new central communication platform of Infront Investment Manager for administrators.


Learn how to manage user data and general settings of Infront Investment Manager.

Quick Guide

Get up to speed with the Quick Guide for Infront Investment Manager.

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