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Interest Rate Calculator

The Interest Rate Calculator determines interest and swap rates for foreign exchange trades. The base currency here is the US dollar, from which the securities account USD bid and securities account USD ask interest rates are always shown. From the drop-down list at the top of the widget, you almost always select the foreign currency to the US dollar. In the widget, the corresponding percentage swap values and the interest (bid and ask) of the foreign currency are calculated immediately.

Select the (foreign) currency from the first drop-down list. Below, you will see the following columns in the "Overview" view:

Value date

The value date period, that is, the term of the forward transaction.

The following applies: "ON" = Overnight, "TN" = Tomorrow Next, "SN" = Spot Next, "W" = Weeks, "M" = Months and "Y" = Years.

DateThe corresponding date.
DaysThe exact number of days remaining until the value date for the selected currency.
Sec. acc. USD BidThe securities account bid interest rate of the US dollar at this value date.
Sec. acc. USD AskThe securities account bid interest rate of the US dollar at this value date.
Swap % BidThe bid price of the swap in percent at this value date for the selected currency.
Swap % AskThe ask price of the swap in percent at this value date for the selected currency.
Interest BidThe bid price at this value date for the selected currency.
Interest AskThe ask price at this value date for the selected currency.

The Swap Calculator offers the following views:

  • Overview
  • Chart: Securities account
  • Chart: Swap
  • Chart: Interest

Example: "Chart" view: securities account"

The interest rates are indicated on the y-axis, the corresponding periods on the x-axis. Point to the chart lines to display the corresponding details.

In the Widget Gallery, you find the "Interest Rate Calculator" widget in the "Calculators" section of the "Other" category.

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