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"Company News" widget category

The "Company News" widget shows all news for a security. In the upper left corner of the widget, you can select or search the relevant security. A list with news related to the security appears. For each message, the columns "Date", "Source" and "News" are displayed by default. You can move these columns by using drag and drop or show and hide them by using the widget settings.

The most recent news are shown at the top of the list. Select a news headline to open the news text.

The headline of the currently selected news article is highlighted. News with a higher priority are also colour-coded:

If the widget in the dashboard is wide enough, then the full text of the news article is shown to the right of the news list.

The icon next to the news text area allows you to maximise the news article to the entire widget, thus hiding the news list. By clicking the icon again, you restore the original widget view.

You can also use the icons in the upper part of the widget to change the way the news are displayed, just as described in the corresponding section for the "News Search" widget.

You can copy the currently displayed news text to the Clipboard and paste it into other programs by clicking the "Copy to Clipboard" icon in the top right corner of the news text window.

You can copy the news texts (or the currently marked part) by using the context menu.

You can print the news (as a PDF) by using the "Print" icon in the widget menu. For more information, see Print widgets.

At the end of the news text, the associated securities are displayed as buttons that you can click. The colour of the buttons indicates the current performance. Click one of these buttons to open the menu from which you can open the security in a different widget, for example a "Chart" or "Full Quote" widget:

If you use a smaller widget (for example, on a smartphone), then the texts appear in the entire widget after the selection:

 Close the text by clicking the "Close" icon to return to the headlines view.

In the Widget Gallery, you find the "Company News" widget in the "Defaults" section of the widgets for shares, bonds or indices.

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