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Add security to a watchlist

To add securities to a watchlist:

  • Open the quick search by using the "Instrument search" icon and select the security.
  • Or drag and drop the security from another widget into the watchlist.

To add a security:

  1. Open or go to a "Watchlist" widget first.
  2. Use the drop-down list to select the corresponding watchlist.
  3. Then click the "Instrument search" icon in the widget and select a security from the list or search for it by using the input field of the quick search.
  4. Then, enter the instrument data for the new position in the "New instrument" dialogue window. If necessary, select another exchange or enter notes for the position.

  5. Complete the recoding by clicking the "Add" button.

The security appears as a position in the watchlist with the data entered.

From result lists of the screener, you can quickly add instruments to watchlists. For more information, see Add instruments from Screener to existing watchlist.

The following fields can be found in the "New security" dialogue window:




<Not editable here>

The name of the security that you want to add.

Trading venue

Select the trading venue of the security.

If the security is already included in the price list for the selected trading venue, a corresponding information appears.


You can enter notes on this security.

"Add" button

After entering the data, click this button to complete entering the security data and add the position.

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