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Save screens

Save your new screens to later re-use them with the filter settings made. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Click the "Save screen as..." icon in the open screen or the "Save screen" icon for already saved screens.
    Or select the command SCREEN SAVE AS... from the menu icon at the top right.
  2. In the "Global Settings" dialogue window that appears, enter the name of the screen and add descriptive details about the screen.

  3. Specify above whether to save the currently selected setting for the filter view with the screen. In the picture above, the filter view of the screen is shown when saving and is also saved as such.
  4. Click the "Save screen as..." button to save the screen and close the "Global Settings" dialogue window.

After configuring the screen (for example, in the settings of the filters), click the "Save" icon to apply the changes. If you do not want to save your changes, click the "Discard changes" button, thus restoring the last saved state of the screen. To save a copy of the screen, use the Save screen as copy command from the menu icon.

When you save a screen, you also save the currently selected display. For example, if you have selected the display as result list (with hidden filter settings) when saving, this screen will be opened again next time with the result list in full screen mode.

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