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Quick search

At the top of Infront Investment Manager, you need to search for securities in menus and widgets, you can use context-sensitive search fields. Thus you can quickly find the correct security.

Enter your search term in the search field field and select the relevant hit. Or quickly select a security from the list of your last search terms ("History") or currently trending securities ("Trending").

Quick search via the input field in the title bar

Proceed as follows to search securities:

  1. Enter the search term in the search field.

    The quick search shows you results as soon as you start typing the second letter and refines the search with every additional character.

    Below the search field, these search results are shown with the name, asset class and WKN of the security. You can use the arrow keys to go through the search results.

  2. Select the hit you are looking for.
    This is then first opened in a Short portrait and can be processed further, for example by using the menu icon.

    As an alternative to selecting the hit by mouse click, you can also drag and drop it directly from the search results into a widget on the dashboard.

If you do not find the desired result via the quick search in the title bar, switch to General search by using the "General search" button.

Quick search in menus and widgets

A quick search is also integrated in numerous widgets, analogous to the quick search via the title bar described above. For example, you always open a quick search for selecting the input object by click the "Instrument search" icon at the top left in widgets.

If you do not find the relevant result via the quick search in the title bar, switch to General search by using the "Gen. Search" button.

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