Release Notes - Version 55
New Analytics widgets (WTK)
Programme version 55 provides you with the new Analytics widgets briefly presented in the following sub-chapters.
All new widgets support grouping and drag & drop of securities.
Analytics: Infront GPRV: New widget (New – IM-13354)
The new widget “Analytics: Infront GPRV” shows the GPRV analysis for the selected company.
“GPRV” is a patented instrument for assessing the relative value of listed companies based on fundamental analysis. “GPRV” stands for “Growth Profitability Risk Value”.

ESG – Best companies in sector: New widget (New – IM-13514)
The new widget “ESG - Best companies in sector” shows you the companies with the best ESG ratings in the respective sector as well as the average ESG score for the sector.

Use the sector selection list to select the desired industry:
All industries (default setting)
Consumer consumables
Consumer durables
Real Estate
By default, the 10 best companies in the industry are displayed; you can use the "Global" column to reverse the sorting and display the worst companies.
You can then use the familiar security search at the top of the widget to search for companies and analyse their sector. Once you have selected a security, you can choose between "Level 1" and "Level 2" by clicking on the sector selection list.
Example: The security "SAP SE O.N." is in the "Technology" sector ("Level 1") and there in "Software & Software Services" ("Level 2").
Financial Statements: New widget (New – IM-13441)
The new “Financial Statements” widget shows you the annual or quarterly figures of the selected companies.

Use the selection list to switch between annual financial statements and quarterly figures.
Key Figures: New widget (New – IM-13659)
The new “Key Figures” widget shows you the Analytics key figures of the selected companies.

You can use the security search at the top of the widget to search for shares and then use the selection lists to select the fields (key figures) and the number of fundamental periods (0-5) and estimation periods (0-3) to be displayed.
Target Price: New widget (New – IM-13623)
The new “Target Price” widget shows you the target prices of the selected companies.

Sector Overview: New widget (New – IM-13440)
The new “Sector Overview” widget shows you the 100 companies with the highest market capitalisation in each sector.

Use the industry selection list to select the desired industry:
All industries (default setting)
Communication services
Consumer discretionary
Consumer staples
Information technology
Real estate
You can use the familiar security search at the top of the widget to search for companies and analyse their sector.
Top Shareholders: New widget (New – IM-13442)
The new widget “Top Shareholders” shows you the largest shareholders of the selected companies.

Estimates Overview Bar: New widget (New – IM-13624)
The new widget ‘Estimates Overview Bar’ shows you the available estimates of the selected companies.

Company Description: New widget (New – IM13660)
The new “Company Description” widget shows you the company descriptions of the selected companies.

You can select the following sources from the selection list:
· Infront
· S&P
· Morningstar
Alerts: Maximum number of alerts increased (Improvement – IM-12898)
The maximum possible number of alerts per user has been increased from 50 to 150 alerts.
Alerts: Further fields supported (Improvement – IM-12898)
With programme version 55, alerts can be defined for additional fields.
List of new fields:
Field number | ADF field | Description | Category | Update |
235 | ADF_Interpo_Closing | Interpolated Closing | ALL | Realtime updates |
236 | ADF_Prov_Evaluation | Provisional Evaluations | ALL | Realtime updates |
1168 | ADF_Official_Ask | 0 | COMM | Realtime updates |
1169 | ADF_Official_Bid | 0 | COMM | Realtime updates |
107 | ADF_Mittelkurs | Mid price | ALL | Realtime updates |
133 | ADF_Jahreshoch | Year's high | ALL | Realtime updates |
135 | ADF_Jahrestief | Year's low | ALL | Realtime updates |
182 | ADF_52_W_Hoch | 52W high | ALL | EOD updates |
183 | ADF_52_W_Tief | 52W low | ALL | EOD updates |
186 | ADF_Allzeit_Hoch | All time high | ALL | EOD updates |
187 | ADF_Allzeit_Tief | All time low | ALL | EOD updates |
621 | ADF_VWAP | VWAP | ALL | Realtime updates |
758 | ADF_Marktkapitalisierung | Market capitalisation | ALL | EOD updates |
68 | ADF_NAV | Net Asset Value | FUND | Realtime updates |
1144 | ADF_GDL_38 | Moving average 38 | ALL | EOD updates |
1145 | ADF_GDL_90 | Moving average 90 | ALL | EOD updates |
1146 | ADF_GDL_200 | Moving average 200 | ALL | EOD updates |
2685 | ADF_vwd_DiamondRating | 0 | FUND | EOD updates |
388 | ADF_Proz_Veraend_Vortag | PrevDay's percentage change | ALL | EOD updates |
The alert is checked each time a field is updated. Please note that there are no real-time updates for some of the fields.
Fund Data, Fund Comparison: More fields (Improvement – IM-13805)
New fields have been added to the “Fund Data” widget:
ETF replication
ETF replication level
The “SFDR” field has also been added to the “Fund Comparison” widget (“Master data” view).
Earnings Estimates: Layout adjustments (Improvement – IM-13712)
Various improvements have been made to the “Earnings Estimates” widget. For example, excessively long texts in columns and charts have been optimised by adjusting the font size and using sensible abbreviations.
Watchlist: Highlighting for grouping (Improvement – IM-13749)
In tables with several securities, the instruments currently selected for a grouping are now highlighted.
Watchlist: Decimal places for price fields (Improvement – IM-13750)
The number of decimal places to be displayed can now be explicitly configured for price fields in the column configurator settings.

Instrument profile (PDF): Arbitrage list for ETFs (Improvement – IM-13828)
An arbitrage list for funds has been added to the PDF portrait.
Certificate Data: Redemption (Improvement – IM-13827)
In the “Dates” view of the “Certificate Data” widget, information on the redemption level and price has been added to the valuation data for corresponding instruments.