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Save news search as alert

You can save the search criteria currently configured in the "News Search" widget also as news alerts so that you receive corresponding news as soon as they are published. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Define your search criteria as described in the "News Search" widget and save your search with the "Save as search" button.
  2. Then click the "Save as alert" button.
  3. In the "Save alert" dialogue window that appears, enter the start and end date of the news alert using the integrated calender. The maximum possible period is 100 days (from the selected start date).

  4. Confirm the entries by clicking the "Save" button.

The settings are save as news alert. The name of the alert is derived from the filter settings (just as for the news search). To modify these, see Rename or delete saved news search.

For more information about automatic notifications, see Alerts.

In the drop-down list with the news search definitions, the "Alert" symbol (bell) indicates news search definitions saved as alerts:

Click the "Alert" symbol to open the news search definitions saved as alerts directly in an "Alert" widget. If there is no "Alert" widget in the dashboard yet, then a new one opens. Otherwise, the news alert opens in an existing "Alert" widget.

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