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Fund initial amount

In the "Investment Calculator" widget at the top, select the "Fund initial amount" scenario and then select the fund or ETF at the bottom in the first "Security" drop-down list using the integrated quick search. Enter your data here. The calculation in this scenario allows you to analyse a lump sum investment in an ETF/fund based on the historical fund performance. This is compared against a lump sum investment with a fixed interest rate.

In the "Fund initial amount" scenario, you can specify the following data:

  • Security (limited to ETFs and funds)
  • Investment amount in euro (10,000 euro is set be default)
  • Start date of the investment (after selecting a fund and its date of inception)
    You can change this start date using the integrated calendar or by directly entering a date.
  • Annual growth rate in % (3% is set by default)

Click the "Calculate" button to start the calculation of the lump sum investment. The following values are calculated and shown in the results:

  • Current value of the fund investment in euro
  • Current value of the savings plan

In the chart, you see the performance of the fund investment and savings plan over time.

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