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Delete dashboards

You can delete the (private) dashboards that you created by using the Dashboard Explorer.

Delete currently open private dashboard

To delete an open private dashboard, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Dashboard Explorer and click the "Edit" icon.
  2. Select the "Delete dashboard" command that appears below.

    The following prompt appears: "Are you sure you want to delete dashboard "XY"?". Confirm with "Yes".
    The private dashboard is deleted. If the dashboard to be deleted is a dashboard template, a corresponding message appears.

Delete (any) private dashboard

Use the Dashboard Explorer to also delete your currently closed private dashboards. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Dashboard Explorer, and then click the "Edit" icon of the folder where the dashboard is located.
  2. Then select the private dashboard that you want to delete and click the "Delete" icon.
  3. The following prompt appears: "you sure you want to delete dashboard "XY"?". Confirm with "Yes".
    The private dashboard is deleted.

By default, your private dashboards are in the "Private dashboards" folder of the Dashboard Explorer.

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