Types of indicators
Indicators are statistical functions for analysing time series via a graphical output in a chart. In Investment Manager, you find an extended range of indicators. This includes all classical indicators but also less known ones.
The indicators are divided into the following categories:
Trend indicators
Examples: Moving averages, MACD, Bollinger Bands, Commodity Channel Index, Parabolic SAR
If the price of a security follows a trend, trend-following indicators provide you with good results when breaking through up or down trends.
The trend-following indicators do not provide any information about the strength of a trend or current excesses. They only show if a trend does or does not exist.
Momentum oscillators
Examples: Momentum, ROC, RSI
Momentum oscillators are helpful for analysing trendless sideways movements of the price and strong fluctuations.
Trend analysis indicators
Example: Aroon
Use the trend analysis indicators to identify the securities that are suitable for trend tracking analysis.
Comparison indicators
Example: Spread, Relative Strength Comparative (RSC)
Comparison indicators allow you to directly compare two securities or compare with a benchmark. To use a comparison indicator in a meaningful way, you need to display two securities in the chart and select them while holding the <CTRL> key in order to select the corresponding comparison indicator. You can use the properties of the indicator at any time to select which time series you want to set as the "Source time series" and which as the "Comparison time series" (benchmark).
Volatility indicators
Example: Volatility
Use the volatility indicators to measure the price fluctuations of a security.
Volume indicators
Examples: Volume,Money Flow Index
Volume Indicators are indicators requiring the sales volume as a basis for calculations.
Other indicators
Examples: ZigZag, Keltner Kanal, DEMA, TEMA
Here, you find many other indicators that cannot be uniquely assigned to the categories stated above.