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"Log" view (portfolio)

Select "Log" from the second drop-down list in the upper part of the widget to see the change log of the portfolio. The log shows all previous user actions.

You find the following columns and functions in the "Log" view:



Filter year

Use the drop-down list to limit the shown entries to a certain year.

Filter month

Use the drop-down list to limit the shown entries to a certain month.


You can show or hide the columns of the log in the settings that you open with the widget menu icon. The following columns are available in the "Log" view:

  • Time
    The time of the action.
  • Name
    The name of the entry. For security transactions associated with the action, the security is shown. You can edit a descriptive label to the entry by using the "Edit entry" icon.
  • ISIN
    The ISIN of the security (if a security is associated with the action).
  • Action
    For example, "Entry created", "Entry sold" or "Portfolio edited".
  • Note
    The note added to the transaction or posting. The "Edit entry" icon allows you to add notes after you already recorded the transaction.

For more information, see Settings in the "Portfolio" widget.

As in other tables, you can re-sort the history by clicking a column header.

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