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"Cash flows" view in the Swap Calculator

From the view drop-down list in the upper part of the widget, select the "Cash flow" entry to show a table with the cash flows of the swap transaction. These cash flows are based on the configuration selected in the "Contract data" view.

You find the following columns in the "Cash flows" view:

DateThe date of the payment.
Floating rate %The floating (variable) interest rate of the payment.
Floating cash flowThe variable payment amount in the currency specified.
Fixed interest rate in %The fixed interest rate of the payment.
Fixed cash flowThe fixed payment amount in the currency specified.
Net cash flowThe net cash flow on the given payment date.
Discount factorThe discount factor on the given payment date.
Net present value

The net present value of the payments.

The net present value of an investment is the sum the present (now) value of a series of present and future cash flows. To better understand the arithmetic operation, the net present value can also be considered as the calculated amount of money that would have to be used to arrive at a balance of 0 at the end of the analysis, taking into account the interest rate and the incoming and outgoing payments. This assumes that the payments are reinvested, that is, the interim reinvestment of the surpluses at the discount rate.

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