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General MiFID II data

When you select the "MiFID" entry from the drop-down list in the upper part of the widget, you see the following data fields:



Asset class (MiFID II)

Classification of financial instruments to satisfy the transparency requirements. Shows if the instrument is an equity instrument or a non-equity instrument.

Asset class (MiFID II)

Shows the asset class of the instrument (shares, fund investment focuses, securitised derivatives...).

Supplement: Asset class (MiFID II)

The supplement to the asset class information.

RTS 28 class

Classification of financial instruments necessary for the publication of information by investment companies ("Best execution"): Classification of financials instruments by "RTS 28".

Leveraged product

Shows if the instrument is a leveraged product according to MiFID II/MiFIR

Tick size

This field contains a code for the regulation according to Article 49 requiring that a minimum ticket size is specified for the security.

Product category (Knowledge and experience)

This field contains the classification of the instrument in product categories (structured investment products, shares, investment funds...).

Product approval process

Shows whether a financial instrument has undergone a product approval process and according to which regulation this process was carried out.

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