Search for terms in vwd pages
You can search in the upper right corner of the "vwd Pages" widget. To search for terms across all vwd pages:
- Enter the term in the search field in the upper right corner.
- Press <RETURN> or click the "Search" icon (magnifying glass).
The search results show the vwd pages with header and page number. Click the navigation arrows below the search results to browse through the pages in the search results. - In the search results, click the page number to open the corresponding vwd page.
Example: Search for the page with information about "Broken Dates"
To search for vwd pages with "Broken Dates":
- Go to a "vwd Pages" widget on your dashboard or create a new one from the Widget Gallery.
- Enter "Broken Date" in the search field in the upper right corner.
- Press <RETURN>.
This starts the search and returns the search results - In the search results, click the page number 5016 to open the corresponding vwd page.
The search is purely text based. For example, if just you search for "BMW", then you will not find the vwd page 5009 (DAX Xetra). To find it, you would need to search for the instrument "519000.ETR" itself.