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Language selection

In the Settings for the user profile, you can configure a default language for the user, which you can override by using the commands described here.

Language selection in the login screen

You can select the language on the login page of your Infront Investment Manager. Currently, you can select from five languages:

  • German
  • English
  • French
  • Italian
  • Dutch

To change the language from German to English:

  1. In the upper part of the login page, open the "Change language" drop-down list (in this case, "English" is selected).

  2. In the drop-down list, select "English".

  3. Infront Investment Manager is now in English.
    You can reset the initial language in the same way.

Language selection in the settings menu

As an alternative to the login page, you can also change the language in the open Infront Investment Manager at any time. You will find a corresponding drop-down list in the settings menu:

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