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Discount certificate characteristics

In the "Full Quote" widget of a discount certificate, you find the following data in the "Characteristics" area:




Certificate group

The certificate type, here "Discount".

Certificate type

The certificate type.

The type is used to categorise discount certificates more precisely, for example, "Discount Classic".


The cap of the discount certificate.

A cap is the specified maximum amount up to which the investor can profit from a price increase of the underlying. This limitation is compensated by the discount that is built in the discount certificates.

Discount (abs./rel.)

The absolute and relative discount of the certificate.

For discount certificates, a discount is granted to the holder for the underlying instrument. This discount acts as an additional risk buffer that the holder "pays" with a limitation of the possible profit chances (see also: Cap).

Max. return (abs./rel.)

The absolute and relative highest yield of the certificate.

Distance to cap (abs./rel.)

The absolute and relative distance to the cap of the certificate.

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