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Add fields from the "All Fields" widgets to tables

You can drag the fields listed in the "All Fields" widget to Watchlists, Portfolios or the "Index Members" widget and thus add them as new columns.

Important notes:

  • The new column created this way is displayed on the far right in the "Overview" view of the target widget table.
  • The column header corresponds to the name of the field.
  • For each item, the value of the field is displayed in the column. If no value is available for this field, then "–" is displayed.
  • In the settings of the watchlist, portfolio or the "Index Members" widget, the new column also appears at the end of the list of available columns and can be displayed or hidden here as usual.
  • In the settings, you can remove these columns completely from the widget and thus from the watchlists ("Delete" icon).

Example: Drag the "Year's high" field to the watchlist

  1. In your dashboard, open an "All Fields" widget and a "Watchlist" widget in the "Overview" view.
  2. In the "All Fields" widget, scroll to the "Year High" field or filter the list of fields by the term "Year's high".
  3. Drag the "Year's high" field from the "All Fields" widget to the "Watchlist" widget.

    This adds the field as a new column.

    In the watchlist settings, the new column also appears at the end of the list of available columns and can be shown or hidden.
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