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User feedback on widgets

Users have the option, within the context menu of each widget, to send individual ratings to Infront about functionality, ease of use or other feedback for the respective widget. The feedback is regularly evaluated by product management to identify further user needs. In this way, the application can be extended or optimised in a user-oriented way.

To send feedback on a widget to Infront:

  1. Open the corresponding dashboard with the widget or open a widget from the Widget Gallery.
  2. Open the context of the widget by using the menu icon.
  3. Then click the relevant smiley in the "Feedback" area to evaluate the widget.
  4. If necessary, enter an additional comment in the input field that then appears below.
  5. If you want Infront to contact you, select the corresponding checkbox.
  6. Then click the "Send" button.
    This sends the feedback.
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